Daphne Fung's

Acupuncture and Healing Centre

Celestial Healing Hands holding white light
Celestial Healing Hands

Healing Services

(1) Akashic Record Reading


You may ask why am I here or what is my Soul’s purpose? We can get lost in our 3D world, weighed down by mundane things. Akashic Record reading is about helping you to understand the grand scheme of things such as why you’re experiencing physical or emotional pain, how it is connected to your mental beliefs, what your Higher Consciousness is really trying to tell you, how to find your special jigsaw puzzle in life, review your past lives, your gifts or challenges, understand your various relationships, where did you originally come from in the cosmos, what are some of your attributes that came from that, how it is affecting your physical life here or what star system relates to your life now.


Understanding from the master plan may enable you to start looking at your life from the outside in, instead of inside out. The guidance is done by tapping into your personal Akashic field, like a giant library containing your details from every life times, which is readily available to you so that it may assist you in this life time. Akashic record reading teaches you about who you really are, to allow you to understand circumstances in order to make informed choices in your life.


Most, if not all issues you face are repeated lessons which you have not completely finished in your past live so you relive this over until you get it resolved. Often they are with the same type of people you had previous lifetimes before.


Knowing this will help you to resolve issues, clear it from your records so you no longer need to repeat that issue again. Yes, it can be CLEARED with the new consciousness shift! This is what the Akashic Record can do, that is, find the life times involved, then you have the option to clear it if you want to. Some people are happy just finding out or knowing answers and doesn't want clearing, but the choice is yours. Then you sit back and watch the people around you change or circumstances changes!



The Akashic records operate at the soul level and all information retrieved is for the purpose of your soul evolution as well as expanding your consciousness to assist your Ascension into All That Is.


Most feed backs from clients are that it has brought much clarity to their situations or an understanding of their relationship issues, plus many more profound revelations. Discover what your akashic records reveal to you!


There are 2 options to choose from:


  • Option 1: Designed to find answers to questions and/or issues you are facing presently. For example concerns with health, relationships, career, soul path etc.
    ($135 1hr)


  • Option 2: Designed to find answers to a SPECIFIC issue then CLEAR any blockages or karmic energies, soul part retrieval maybe required, clearing past live issues brought forth, then be guided by Divine wisdom how to step forward on your soul journey by opening a future portal of the future you.
    ($160 1hr)


All sessions are done via Zoom or Skype.

For bookings please use Contact page of this website


A recent testimonial:


I am immensely grateful for your help. It has been both healing and enlightening for me. Your guidance has motivated me to take my healing journey more seriously, so I can become the best version of myself and support my 2 years old son in his journey. Reflecting on my past relationships with my son (deceased) it was incredibly reassuring to realize that we have always shared a strong connection. I also cherish the fact that I can always seek guidance from the archangels and Pegasus. Thank you for everything you do and for sharing your gift with us.” P.D. June,2024




(2) Quantum SELF Healing


Quantum Self Healing is a unique, state-of-the-art healing and guidance that comes directly from your Higher Consciousness to you, via you!


Your Higher Consciousness knows what has been happening; knows your challenges, pain or suffering. It is always trying to guide you. But we often “miss the boat” so to speak, or miss the “signals” to guide us on a better path; hence we face challenges or sufferings continually.


We have been told that we have all the answers within you, capabilities of great healing, a Soul experiencing physical actions. All life circumstances are only these experiences that you choose to have and many more daily. Now we are able to go within the self to find the answers, healing or knowledge that is waiting for you to ask.


I take you into your own Akashic Records so that you can receive any guidance, information or healing that you need at the time. Your Akashic records contain all of your life times and experiences, so therefore it is extremely powerful to enter into while you search for your own answers. I hold space for you.


This session is very relaxing, calming, gentle and delivers much information or healing that you might need at the time.


I will guide you into a deep relaxed state, while your brain experience alpha waves. This means you're in a meditative state, less focused on the outside world and more in your inner world. Then we call forth your Higher Consciousness to answer your questions or create whatever the healing for you if you need be. Some clients may be shown snippets of their past life to explain better what has happened, others don't see. It is dependent on the client and what the questions are requiring.


It is an internal journey to discover that you have the capacity and capability to answer your own questions, resolve issues, or create healing. This will propel you forward to a clearer, better soul journey!


Here are what some are saying:


I was searching for deep answers to locate my self- knowledge. I had my path for humanity reinforced that is bringing people together. I was shown "bliss" while opening my heart to trust by clearing some past traumas which surfaced. (Client's higher self did the clearing for her!) I had reinforced that I am not alone, always supported and cared-for. Thank you so much.”

W.S. Toowoomba 2024


I enjoyed my session, sometimes I felt I might have been using my left brain and thinking logically, or trying to understand. Other times, it felt like things came naturally and flowed, it did make sense and felt very satisfying. Especially at the end, seeing the colours of the earth from outside the universe, that felt so magical! Holding the earth in my hands and I could feel warmth in my hands. Seeing myself as a young child was also helpful in understanding why and what has been going on for me (client saw her own past life) Thank you so much!”

M.M. Toowoomba 2024


I came away with an understanding I hadn't even imagined was possible! An “aha moment” Highly recommend it. Thank you.”

D. G. Caloundra


Session is about 90 mins, $197


All sessions are done via Zoom or Skype.

For bookings please use Contact page of this website




(3) Aqualorian Crystalline Light Healing


The Aqualorian are 9D (density) Beings of Light who are an ancient builder race here a long time ago before our galaxy ever existed. They are here to help seed a new consciousness to those who wish to do so. They are pure Beings of Light returned back to their state before incarnation and choosing to be semi physical form to help us achieve this status now. They are of very high vibrations like an arch-angle frequency and are very benevolent.


Their healing from 9D realigns you back to your original Source blueprint of incarnation in this life time. Your cells can automatically recoup themselves therefore able to regenerate preventing ageing and all problems related to it or organ repair. It is pure white light of a very high vibration. By receiving this healing regularly, you return to your original blue print before inception; or in other words resetting your cell maturation to regenerate. It works very fast at helping rebuilding the body to their original state, thereby changing your DNA back to it's original blueprint.


This is a new tool of very advanced energy healing to return you back to your original blueprint or original Being before the interference of our 3D existence or living.

This healing is intense high frequency so therefore if you are sensitive you may feel the energies move or simply go into a light dose as it is delivered. Depending on your issue, it may require several sessions done close together in order to feel better.


This service is done via Skype or Zoom or as remote healing where you are most comfortable in your own surroundings. It is very exciting times and honored to be able to bring this type of healing in to those who need it.




"I immediately felt energy moving from my head down to my gut then a light dose which I thought was only 5 mins but it was 25 minutes! I felt spacey afterwards for an hour so I grounded myself, had a drink and food to stabilise myself. After that I felt great or alive! Thank you so much."


A session is about 45 mins $100

or 3 sessions $270


All sessions are done via Zoom or Skype.

For bookings please use Contact page of this website


(4 ) Intuitive Medical Healing


This Divine healing session is the use of the akashic records in re-aligning you, clearing out un-serving energies that is creating pain/sufferings/blockages from your entire Light Body including your physical. Your Merkabah or energy field is reactivated to help with this alignment as it dissipates old energies.


Sometimes messages are channeled through for you that is important at the time as your body is scanned to check for any energy blockages to prevent disorders in future or that is already happening presently.


Sometimes, a re-alignment is required for your Soul Journey so that you may see yourself for who you truly are, fulfilling your own Spiritual path. It is common to give a special healing to "shift" any denseness from the client. In this case, a full trust and acceptance of the higher Beings of Light, Masters, Teachers, Angels or Arch-angle to do what is optimal at the time. This is a deeper level of healing.


It is common to feel a sense of peacefulness, wholeness, lightness and be ready to continue the next stage in your soul journey. It is truly an amazing experience to catapult you forward in your soul journey!


A session is about an hour, $95



All sessions are done via Zoom or Skype or  remotely

For bookings please use Contact page of this website


(5) Spiritual Life Coach


This is a look at where you are presently in your life. This includes looking deeper at reoccurring physical ailments, emotional challenges or issues; all of which may be creating blockages in your life preventing you from moving forward in your Soul Journey and finding your own true self to create a joyful life.


The coaching gives you a better understanding of the physical body why it is in pain, what it is trying to tell you it needs. It is always related to entrapped emotions not completed or released creating havoc in the body. When this trapped emotion exist for very long periods of time it creates blockages or pain for you to deal with. Once an understanding is achieved, healing begins.


This could be in the form of changing foods/drinks, certain relaxation techniques, healing methods for deeper issues, an akashic record reading, spiritual healing or other recommendations that are appropriate for that client. Often ‘aha’ moments come to the client when the realization that everything is connected, that is from the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspect of the self. It helps you to understand EVERYTHING is energy; and energy can be blocked, stagnated or congested creating health issues. 


Not only does the coaching teach you about your body/mind aspects, I connect to your Higher Self to give you guidance in whatever direction you need. This enables you to learn more about your spiritual self and it needs at the time. 


Once a correlation is made between what the body is trying to tell you, you become more intuitive, listening with your heart rather than living in your head. This creates a much stronger communication between your Soul or Higher Self to your body/mind creating a joyful life.


A session is about an hour, $95


All sessions are done via Zoom or Skype.

For bookings please use Contact page of this website









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