Daphne Fung's

Acupuncture and Healing Centre

What Akashic Record has revealed for me

12 June 2024

What Akashic Record Readings have done for me


My first Akashic Record reading was over 10 years ago. I had learnt so much about myself and I was hooked! I discovered I am a “star connector” which means I help others to connect back to their origin or back to their Soul path. That was the initial fire that started the ball rolling of a journey of self discovery.


Through my training as an acupuncturist, I felt there was a need for deeper healing clients needed, not just for the body or emotions. Soon I discovered Esoteric Acupuncture which works more on the energetic centres (chakras) to realign the body back; so clients felt better much faster!


Due to this fast alignment, clients are now beginning awaken to ask deeper questions “why is this ailment reoccurring? Why can't I work have a good relationship? Why can't I get on top of this issue? How do I overcome this issue?” and similar questions.


This is when Akashic Record readings can help to resolve issues, give answers or understand the “why's” of your challenges. Most clients feedback is that it gives clarity, understanding or resolves issues completely!


My own Akashic record work have given me such profound understanding of my past, past life and help resolve issues that have been repeating in a negative loop! I discovered much about my past lives. For example I was a space explorer who travelled across the Universe to many other planets as an ET race. I've been in many life times facing persecution of spiritual practice of that time, including burning at the stake as a witch, a beggar starved to death, abused/used, plus many life times in monastery as a monk/nun, in ancient times as a priest/priestess, plus many others. All of which brings a deeper understanding of my current situations, why it is so now or how to continue my soul journey in present day.


This is a massive emotional clearing plus aha moment on a huge scale!


Most feed backs from clients are that it has brought much clarity to their situations or understand their circumstances with relationships and many more profound revelations. Discover what yours are from your Akashic records.


If you want an experience of a reading, feel free to contact me from this website


A recent testimonial:


I am immensely grateful for your help. It has been both healing and enlightening for me. Your guidance has motivated me to take my healing journey more seriously, so I can become the best version of myself and support my 2 years old son in his journey. Reflecting on my past relationships with my son (deceased) it was incredibly reassuring to realize that we have always shared a strong connection. I also cherish the fact that I can always seek guidance from the archangels and Pegasus. Thank you for everything you do and for sharing your gift with us.” P.D. June,2024







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